Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Dear Everyone!!!

NATS Auditions are coming up and I would like everyone who qualifies to participate. These will be held March 4-5 at BYU. There have been a few questions so here are some highlights:

  • You can enter the Auditions as a competitor or comments only. Unless you are career oriented in your musical/vocal pursuits, I would recommend comments only. This will be INVALUABLE- better then performance/masterclass. Also, I, as your teacher, get to learn from your comments from the adjudicators as well- you get validation of what your teacher is currently telling you, and I get to gleen wisdom from my associates. It will make you a better singer and me a better teacher!!!
  • All adjudicators that participate are my professional associates and friends! They are your friends as well. We are all qualified voice teachers who have met the requirements for membership in the National Association of Teachers of Singing. All teachers who have students performing in the auditions are required to adjudicate.
  • Entrance fee is $15 per entry (payable to me- I have to write one large check for all students participating).
  • I DO EXPECT all who qualify (that would be those age 15 and up) to participate!
  • Unless you want to work something else out with another pianist, you will need to be prepared to pay a pianist (if you get a pianist who doesn’t require pay, I STRONGLY recommend you offer a small monetary token. It is the professional way). I have spoken with a local pianist here in town who has agreed to play for all who participate. She charges $20 hour (and there is no MINIMUM!). All pianists will be required to attend the performance/masterclass the week of the auditions. Which brings us to this:
  • I timed my masterclass wrong. My bad. MARK YOUR CALENDARS- I want EVERYONE there!!!!!! Masterclass/performance class is now to be held Wednesday, March 2nd (instead of March 9). 5 PM (notice the time change too.). The pianist will be here to play for you. I will pay for this rehearsal but this is the only one you will receive unless you make other arrangements. Then your responsibility is to pay her for playing for the auditions (and any other times you rehearse with her).
  • All those who cannot participate in NATS auditions are still required to attend masterclass/performance class. Let me emphasize- your parents PAY for this “lesson” -you are expected to attend.
  • At the masterclass I will have the sheets that the adjudicators will be using for comments and we will “adjudicate” everyone who sings. Don’t worry- positive constructive comments only that you won’t have to totally share.
  • The required repertoire is TWO songs- we’ve got to get under the gun with this. I previously thought it was just one. Nope, it’s two. I would like to have decided TODAY which pieces each student will be singing as I am required to register everyone by next Tuesday.

I hope that addresses all the issues. Parents, if you have any questions or concerns, please email me or call me.

Yay! Can’t wait!



About Me

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Mother of six beautiful children (two rambunctious boys and four sweet angelic girls) and lucky wife of R who is soooo good to me (I'm a spoiled wife). I teach private voice in my home once a week to keep my skills.